The average house price on SUTTON BANK is £448,391
The most expensive house in the street is WILLOWBROOK SUTTON BANK with an estimated value of £753,153
The cheapest house in the street is FERNDALE SUTTON BANK with an estimated value of £230,537
The house which was most recently sold was THE COTTAGE SUTTON BANK, this sold on 26 May 2023 for £565,000
The postcode for SUTTON BANK is TF8 7JB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
FERNDALE SUTTON BANK Detached £230,537 £190,000 26 Mar 2020
OLD COACH HOUSE SUTTON BANK Detached £326,110 £257,500 6 Dec 2017
OLD STABLES SUTTON BANK Detached £464,572 £128,000 12 Dec 2000
THE COTTAGE SUTTON BANK Detached £565,000 26 May 2023
VALLEY VIEW SUTTON BANK Detached £467,587 £340,000 22 Feb 2016
WILLOWBROOK SUTTON BANK Detached £753,153 £152,000 18 Nov 1997